Welcome to Pranavi’s GitHub Fastpages!
This site was built with the help of fastpages
This fastpages site will be used as a blog to track my work and growth experienced throughout this year in CSA. I will show proof of work I was assigned as well as what I learned each week using a weekly post. I will also primarily be using Jupyter Notebooks (in VSCode) for my work.
Unit 3 Team HW
Project Based Learning Notes
Collegeboard APCSA Notes
Practice MCQ Test
Unit 5 Team Homework
Unit 4 Team Homework
Array Lesson - Team 5
UNIT 3, 4, 5 NOTES
ArrayLists Lesson
Chuck Norris API
Trimester 1 Project Passion
Arrays and Images
1st Trimester Project - DNHS Market
Fibonacci Hacks
JavaScript Hacks