Here’s A Navigation Guide to Del Norte MarketPlace

This website was created by Period 2 Team 6. Our scrum team consists of Natalie B, Pranavi I, Saumya P, Meena A, and Madhumita N. We have our individual team roles of Frontend Developer, Scrum Master, Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, and Deployment Manager. However, we all came together to work on both the frontend and backend that built this website.

So what was the reason as to why we even made this website? Well, we have always wanted a reliable and user friendly platform that has access to all facets of what a student would need throughout their years in Del Norte. Although the official Del Norte website includes this, there are a lot of links and external sources that a student needs to go to in order to accomplish different tasks. Hence, we decided to make our very own website for Del Norte: DN Market Place!

As you can see, out website is a pretty easy-to-navigate website. However, if you are facing some struggles, you have come to the right place! Here are the different features of our website and how to work them:

We hope this helps and have fun exploring our website!