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Table of Contents

Week 1 - Plans, Teams, Jobs

Contains links to TPT 5.1 - 5.2 GitHub Page Actions, Create Task Code, and the Data Structures Project Code.

#### 5.1
1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing? 
* Three beneficial effects of computing is the accuracy in simple tasks, the automation of allowing tasks to be automated to save time, and communication that allows people very far away from each other to easily communicate. Harmful effects of computing is the lack or loss of privacy, the online cyberattacks, increased waste to the environment.
2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?
* Dopamine issues are a real and serious pressing problem, especially in today's time. With the increased usage of technology and computing, more and more people are having their dopamine levels impacted by what they see online (social media, TV, video games, etc.). Although this doesn't seem too bad, dopamine plays a huge role in our success during high school. When learning, dopamine improves delayed memory for information learned through reinforcement and affects the performance in a novel pairs.

#### 5.2
1. How does someone empower themselves in a digital world?
* The digital world allows people to recreate themselves and show their best side to the world in order to build a personal brand. This sort of behavior usually leads to a lot of validation and admiration from people who aspire to be as "confident," "pretty," or "amazing," and helps one feel empowered. 
2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.
* Someone who is empowered can spread awareness online about beliefs and ideas that they stand for. This awareness opens others eyes and promotes tolerance and acceptance throughout society. Someone who is empowered can also inspire positive change in someone who isn't empowered by publicizing their personal growth and sharing that online. Something I have done at Del Norte HS is creating a club that spreads awareness about current events and raises money to donate to those less fortunate by selling stickers that our club hand-makes. This not only gives back to the community but also spreads awareness to students at our school about important topics happening in current time.
3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?
* Red tape blocking is essentially a set of rules and regulations that aren't effective anymore and are therefore more harmful than beneficial whereas digital empowerment is a person's ability to efficiently use technology to gain information and skills important to society as a whole. Therefore, red tape blocking isn't digital empowerment since these restrictions prove disadvantageous to students who try to improve their use of technology. There are small barriers like this present in all settings. For example, at Del Norte, it is required for students to bring a laptop of some sort to school but each student has a different device they use based on what they can afford. This divide ensures some students to better succeed than others.

#### Data Structures Runtime
#### Create Task Runtime

Week 2 - Lists and Loops

Contains links to TPT 5.3 - 5.4 GitHub Page Actions and all the code for TT1 Hacks.

#### 5.3
1. Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional? If yes or no, justify you conclusion?
* The owner of the computer did seem to think this was intentional as he directly stated towards the end of the video that the program was racist. He also seemed to be angry when the program wasn't recognizing his face as a black man, but was recognizing his white coworker's face. 
2. How do you think this happened?
* The team that developed this program might not have been diverse and therefore had unintentional bias that excluded people who weren't white. It is also possible that the team for this program was diverse but didn't properly think through the bias they had that excluded certain ethnicities from accessing their program. 
3. Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude?
* Even though this facial recongitioning program wasn't intended to be harmful, it still was since it prevented many people with darker skin tones from accessing the program. 
4. Should it be corrected?
* This should be corrected, not only to stop promoting a racist agenda, but to also have the program reach a more diverse audience and allow many more people to use the program. 
5. What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome?
* Having a more diverse team for the program would ensure that there was more variety in the program's audience because there would be more perspectives involved in the creation of the program and who the program could recognize. 

#### 5.4
1. CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?
* A crowdsource idea could be an online review of the restaurants in the Target Complex close to our Del Norte HS campus. I would initiate this in our environment by taking a sample from the 150 CompSci principles students and use their restaurant reviews for the idea. 
2. What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?
* Our project idea is a mental awareness website to spread awareness about mental illnesses. Our final project could definetely be better with crowdsourcing. By gaining Del Norte students' opinions about mental health diseases, we could get many perspectives about how stressed students are and the cause of their stress. This allows our website to find better solutions for students like those we sampled and ensure that our website is as accurate as possible for its future users. 

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